APCTP Winter School on Fundamental Physics 2024
This school is intended to provide graduate students from member countries with an opportunity to learn some of basic subjects in fundamental physics. The main topics intended are, quantum field theories, string theories, general relativity, particle physics and cosmology. The lectures will be pedagogical with an emphasis on basic concepts and technical details which will help students understand current research papers and start their own independent research.
This year, the main topics are (1) Supersymmetry (2) Gravity (3) Flat space Holography.
January 24 (Wed) - February 2 (Fri), 2024
APCTP, Pohang, Korea
Jaewon Song (KAIST): Supersymmetry
Geoffrey Compère (ULB): Gravity
Daniel Kapec (Harvard University): Flat space holography
Chanju Kim (Ewha Womans University)
Nakwoo Kim (Kyunghee University)
Jaemo Park (POSTECH)
Dong-han Yeom (Pusan National University)
Junggi Yoon (APCTP)
Junggi Yoon (APCTP): junggiyoon@apctp.org
Nawoon Park (APCT secretary) : nawoon.park@apctp.org